We’ve already done so much,
And we’re only getting started!
We’re there as a source of support! We offer opportunities for students to gain experience and support them with issues they raise. For example, our successful free revision sessions with QUB which run during exams.
Student Voice
We’ll be a voice for students in Northern Ireland. Never again should we be locked out of decisions about our future. We’ll always advocate for what’s best for students and ensure policymakers listen to our opinions.
We give students a place to develop skills and gain experience that will benefit them for life by getting involved in projects and campaigns - providing a platform for them to become leaders.
A Social Space
A space for students of all backgrounds to come together, working with new people while gaining new experiences through our societies, working groups and executive.
How do we do this?
SSUNI regularly meet with a range of groups that have an impact on secondary student’s education such as CCEA, the Department of Education and more! In these meetings, we represent your interests and ensure your views are taken into account. Recent examples of this include consultation on Relationships and Sexuality Education in NI.
Working Groups
SSUNI run several working groups a year, in which our executive picks an area to focus on. This may involve research and the production of a report (such as our report on Learning for Life and Work) or the production of resources to be used in education (such as our Shared Education booklet). These working groups develop great skills for the delegates involved.
When SSUNI see an issue, we speak out, through press releases, social media, meetings bodies or events. This is SSUNI’s work at its core, ever since our founding during COVID-19. A recent success is our campaign for #CAOReform, in which we helped to secure equality for Northern Irish students in admissions to Republic of Ireland universities.