Northern Ireland Student Executive (NISE)

Meet the 2023/24 Executive!

  • Ellen Taylor


    I’m Ellen Taylor and I’m in Year 14, studying Spanish, History and Politics. I began as part of the Shared Education Working Group in 2021 and was then Community Relations Officer from 2021-2023. I have since founded and led the Feminist Society and set up Free Revision Sessions for students across NI in collaboration with the QUB PGCE Centre. I have also been a member of the UK-German Youth Council for 2 years, and Chair of the Newry, Mourne and Down Youth Council. I’m so excited for the year ahead, with a fantastic new Executive.

  • Eilidh O'Conner


    My name is Eilidh O’Conner and I’m currently in my first year of university, studying French and Law at Trinity College, Dublin. I served as President of SSUNI last year (2022-2023) and massively joined the experience, having previously been Secretary. I am looking forward to serving in my new position of Honorary President now I have left secondary education. I can’t wait to work with the incoming executive as they continue to represent Northern Irish students and will provide them with any advice they need.

  • Izzy Fitzpatrick


    My name is Izzy and I am SSUNI’s Vice President for this executive term.. I was on the executive last year as Mental Health Officer and have been involved with SSUNI for a number of years now. I am in Upper 6th, studying Politics, Maths, Economics and Religous Studies for A-Level. I am planning to study politics at university next year. I am also the Youth MP for South Belfast and a One Young World Ambassador. I’m really excited for what the union can achieve this year!

  • Lauren Bond


    I’m Lauren Bond, I’m 16 and from North Antrim. This is my third term serving as International Officer and I’m really passionate about building relationships with other Student Unions across Europe, such as the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union (ISSU). This term I am aiming to create cross-border opportunities to allow students to integrate and collaborate, which ties into our work on reforming the university application process for NI students applying for university in the Republic of Ireland (CAO Reform). I’m also passionate about improving cultural education within schools. A lot of my work revolves around progressing the Good Friday Agreement with a focus on NI Students.

  • Gráinne Hollywood


    My name is Gráinne Hollywood and I am delighted to be the new Education Officer for the 2023-2024 Executive. I am currently a lower sixth student, studying English, History, Politics and Spanish. I am very passionate about improving and modernising various aspects of the curriculum, particularly concerning gender equality education and Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) within the broader subject area of LLW. This year my priority is to work with stakeholders to try and introduce anti-misogyny policies, education and legislation within schools.

  • Oliver Mercer


    My name is Oliver Mercer and I’m in Year 13, studying History, Government and Politics, Maths, and Further Maths. I began my involvement with the Union last year through the LLW and RSE Working Groups, both of which I continue to be an active member of. I was a member of the NI Youth Assembly (2021-2023) where I took an active role in the Education Committee, scrutinising legislation and debating important issues in the Assembly Chamber, such as the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility. I’m also a member of the NICCY Youth Panel. I have a range of working relationships within the Youth Sector and look forward to raising awareness and pushing for change at all levels, from schools to government, on issues such as RSE reform.

  • Meabh Quinn


    My name is Meabh Quinn and I’m a Year 14 student studying Politics, Maths and Economics at A-Level. I have been involved in SSUNI for two years as part of the Feminist Society as well as the LLW and RSE Working Groups. I have also been a member of the NICCY youth panel for three years where I have campaigned and spoken on platforming youth voice. Entering the executive this year, I hope to encourage more students to actively participate in SSUNI through different channels including consultations, working groups and as delegates. I am especially interested in ensuring the opinions of students are heard in the designing of a compulsory RSE curriculum. More personally I enjoy debating and playing Gaelic football.

  • Luc Berthelot


    My name is Luc Berthelot and I’m currently a student in Year 14, studying Chemistry, Biology and Nutrition and Food Science, with the hope of studying medicine at university next year. I was honoured to be SSUNI’s first Sustainability Officer last year, and I am delighted to have moved to the role of Communications Officer this year. I’m looking forward to working closely with other members of the executive this year to boost their work and the profile of SSUNI overall, ensuring we can advocate for students as effectively as possible. I’m pleased to have already had several articles written about SSUNI’s activities this year and hope to keep up the momentum to raise publicity on issues we’re prioritising such as CAO Reform and the Modern Languages Curriculum.

  • Cathal Quinn


    I'm 16 and in Year 13. My priorities for this year are to introduce a climate policy that ensures that schools are given support to teach students about the environment. I’m also focused on making schools more sustainable overall with, for example, how we use school buildings. I am also a member of the Youth Policy Collective and a member of many environmental organisations. This has given me a wide range of experience relating to the environmental issues I’ll be responsible for in this role, but also for encouraging student voice! I can't wait to make meaningful sustainable change with SSUNI!

  • Ryan Kearney


    My name is Ryan and I’m currently in Year 12 at school, studying History, Business Studies and Geography at GCSE in addition to required subjects. I’m delighted to be Secretary of SSUNI this year. In this role, I work on SSUNI growth, membership promotion and admin work including taking the minutes of Executive meetings. I’m a Member of the Youth Parliament for West Tyrone and represent NI on the UK Parliament’s Youth Select Committee. I also work with various other organisations such as NICCY, NI Youth Forum (NIYF) and Action Mental Health.

  • Tom O'Sullivan


    I am currently a lower sixth student, studying Biology, Chemistry, Art and English Literature. Within my school, I am the co-founder and co-chair of the Medical Society at my school and I also am a well-being ambassador. I am a member of the Action Mental Health Youth Core Panel. Thus I have lots of experience relevant to mental health. In my free time I enjoy reading and going to art galleries, the Queens Film Theatre and museums. I’m excited to work hard on projects and represent the students of Northern Ireland on issues relating to mental health.

  • Genevieve McCollum


    My name is Genevieve McCollum, I'm a lower sixth student and I'm delighted to be on this SSUNI executive this year following my application to replace the outgoing Equality Officer. I am very passionate about promoting student voices and young people’s rights. In my role as Equality Officer, I want to see to accurate representation of all schools within SSUNI and ensure young people’s rights are considered and respected when people in power make decisions about our education.