Our member schools are the heart of our organisation and are vital in ensuring the Union can operate effectively.
Any post-primary school in Northern Ireland is eligible to join! This is a great opportunity for your students to make friends, build skills and gain incredible experience!
Our Member Schools
What do our member schools do?
Link Teacher
This teacher signs the school up for SSUNI and serves as the point of contact between the Union and their school. They share the names and contact information of their delegates with us each year and have no other obligations beyond sharing information and invitations occasionally.
Each school’s next step after signing up is to select 5 students to represent their school as delegates. These delegates can be selected by any reasonable mechanism the school desires, but ideally, a good gender balance will be achieved.
Delegates are selected when a school joins the Union, but then again at the beginning of each academic year.
Delegates have the opportunity to get involved in any number of projects or events the Union runs, but their only two obligations are outlined in points 3 and 4.
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Working Groups
Delegates are provided the opportunity to join a working group, building valuable research, teamwork and communication skills. Each of the working groups will be co-led by members of the Executive and will focus on an area identified as a high priority by the executive or by delegates at Student Assembly. For the 2023-2024 term, the working groups are:
Modern Languages
School Uniform
Mental Health
Student Assembly
The final obligation of delegates is to attend Student Assembly. Each delegate receives a vote and can cast it in the elections for the next term of the Executive, deciding the policy of the organisation and ratifying constitutional amendments. This is the delegates’ best chance to shape the future of the Union.