Our Structure

The Four Main Bodies of SSUNI

Our Member Schools

Member schools send delegates that vote at the annual Student Assembly to elect the NISE. Delegates also work in our working groups, producing reports/materials on issues in education.

Our Executive

The Northern Ireland Student Executive (NISE) are a group of 11 elected students who lead the union. They’re chosen by delegates from member schools and represent the union for most of its work.

Our Board

Our board is the legal arm of our union. It’s a group of expert educationalists who are there for our members and NISE to provide support and advice whenever they‘re needed.

Our Advisory Panel

The Advisory Panel (AP) is a group of volunteers from the outgoing Student Executive that supervise and provide support to the newly elected NISE when needed, ensuring a smooth transition between executives.

So how does this all work in practice?

The Northern Ireland Student Executive (NISE) runs the day-to-day affairs of the union. This involves coordinating delegate groups, running campaigns, answering queries, keeping on top of educational news, liaising with SSUNI affiliate groups (such as our feminist society) and so much more! The NISE is the public face of the union. Each Officer of the NISE has an area of focus, but they generally work collaboratively on issues.

The Advisory Panel (AP) and the Board take on a support role, ensuring the NISE is equipped with everything it needs and ensuring the safeguarding of the students involved.

Our member schools select delegates at the beginning of each academic year. These delegates then join a working group of their choice focused on a particular issue (such as mental health, modern languages or school uniforms), where they participate in monthly meetings to produce a piece of work. This may involve a report, resources for schools to use or a campaign. Delegates then vote on policy and elect the members of the NISE at the annual Student Assembly.

Still have any questions about our work and structure?

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