Mental Health Matters in Belfast Live

If you have happened to read Belfast Live today, or the Daily Mirror yesterday, you might have seen some familiar names! In an article by Jilly Beattie, the papers gained exclusive access to some of the statistics from our Mental Health Matters survey, which received almost 2,500 responses from students across Northern Ireland. The article also featured a statement by our President, Cormac, saying;

There is now an onus on the Education Minister Peter Weir to quickly bring in equitable proposals which will give students grades they can be confident in.

“Our students only get one shot at education - they deserve clarity on how their grades will be decided. The cancellation of exams was long overdue. A total of 83.6% of our young people told us exam uncertainty had strained their mental health.”

“We have all struggled through this pandemic and our students deserve to be supported. We supported our workers with the furlough scheme and we need to do the same by bringing in supports for our students like cancelling exams.”

To read the full article, click here:


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