Opening for Equality Officer Position on NISE

SSUNI is now considering applications for the position of equality officer. Please email by 15th October for an application form.

Completed applications must be emailed to by 16th October at 9:00 AM.

Following receipt of applications, shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview via Zoom at a suitable date and time with the SSUNI President, Vice President and other members of the NISE.

Role Description

Responsible for the defence and promotion of student rights. The Officer has responsibility for the defence and promotion of equality and anti-discrimination within SSUNI and on issues affecting its members. The Equality Officer manages the implementation and development of equality policy and policy relating to student rights.

Sample tasks:

  • Work with equality organisations on the promotion of equality campaigns and cooperation.

  • Work with equality organisations to promote equality awareness among members.

  • Advise the President on equality and discrimination policy.

  • Ensure the highest standards of equality within the organisation.

Essential Criteria

  • Currently attends a secondary school in Northern Ireland

Desirable Qualities

  • Passionate about equality and student voice.

  • Team player with the ability to work independently.

  • Committed and dependable.

  • Interested in developing leadership skills.


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