A Victory for the Trust Our Teachers campaign!


After a week of constant pressure, including a petition with 2500 signatures in 48 hours and a planned protest with hundreds set to attend, Minister Weir revoked the algorithm used to predict A Level grades.

The Minister announced that teacher predicted grades will be used instead. GCSE students will receive their results on Results Day, and they will be based completely on teacher predicted grades, while A Level students will have to wait a week to receive their updated results.

The SSUNI would like to thank everyone who signed the petition, reached out to us, and supported us. We’re massively proud of every student in Northern Ireland who stood up in the face of this injustice and thankful to everyone that supported us in this our first campaign. While it feels like w e have already done so much, we plan on doing even more!

Although this was not solely an SSUNI effort, we have been a much needed voice for students across NI, in a time where our voices were the ones that mattered the most. We look forward to having the privilege of representing you more throughout the year!


Minister tells SSUNI of Extra University Places!


A new era for secondary students in Northern Ireland.